The 2nd Conference of Students’ Scientific Research Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in 2021
At 13pm on September 3, 2021, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) hold "The 2nd Conference of Students’ Scientific Research in 2021" to launch and deploy students’ scientific research activities. Moreover, promoting the dynamism, creativity, and independent scientific research ability of students were also main purposes of this conference. The conference was held online on Zoom Meeting with lecturers and more than 200 students attending. The event includes main following contents:
The first session with the theme "Scientific Research - Key to Success" is the place for exchanges between groups of scientific research students who have won school level prizes in the fields of study:
• Sociology Discipline : Phan Hanh Uyen and Nguyen Huynh Thu have won the first prize at school level with project: “The child marriage phenomenon in ethnic minorities in Quang Hoa commune, Dak Glong district, Dak Nong province (Case study of Quang Hoa Secondary School, Quang Hoa commune, Dak Glong district, Dak Nong province) ”.
• Vietnam Studies Discipline - Major in Tourism Management: Nguyen Quynh Anh, Ho Dieu Lan and Duong Thien Tam have won the first prize at school level with project: “Impacts of tourists' beliefs in government's performance and perceived risk from Covid -19 to travel behaviour.”
• Social Work Discipline: Trương Ngọc Anh, Tran Thi Thu Diem and Nguyen Vu Phuong Ha have won the consolation prize at school level with project: “Applying the group social work method to intervention in tobacco use behavior among young men in District 12, Ho Chi Minh City.”
In this session, Msc. Nguyen Hieu Tin, Head of Tourism Department (Speaker moderator) and students in the three winning groups at school level discussed and shared the methods, implementation process, research results along with the difficulties and benefits of scientific research, discussed the difficulties of doing scientific research for students during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The second session with the theme “From idea to research project", Dr. Dang Thi Kim Phung, Head of GIST Research Team of FSSH (Speaker moderator) together with speakers who are experienced lecturers, with many years of experience in researching and guiding scientific research students such as: MA. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, MA. Nguyen Hieu Tin, Dr. Nguyen Minh Huan and MA. Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh. Dr. Dang Thi Kim Phung and other speakers shared about issues such as finding topic ideas, necessary qualities when doing scientific research, skills in searching, selecting sources, and difficulties when doing scientific research.
At the same time in this conference, Msc. Hoang Thi Van, Assistant of Scientific Research Students of the Faculty summarized the student research activities of the academic year 2020-2021 and deployed and launched the Faculty-level student research activities in the academic year 2021-2022. In addition, Acting Dean of the Faculty Social Sciences and Humanities also awarded certificates of participation in scientific research to 09 research groups, and letters of merit along with awards to groups with high achievements in school-level scientific research for the 2020-2021 school year.
Here are some pictures of the event:

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