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Parents' meeting of High quality program in Tourism and Tourism ManagementMajor

On the morning of October 19th, 2019, at the meeting room F511 and C602, there was holf Parents' Meeting of the high-quality program of Tourism and Tourism Management of the course 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.

Attending the meeting, on the side of the Faculty Leader, there were Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang - Assistant Dean, Mr. Nguyen Hieu Tin - Head of Tourism Department, together with the Tourism Department's lecturers. Parents' meeting to facilitate interacts, exchanges, and answers to questions from parents of Tourism Program and High Quality Tourism Management program about specialized training programs, announcing academic results - student training, and training programs for study abroad units. At the same time, through this parents' meeting, facilitated the closer relationship between parents - lecturers - students, together supported and paid more attention in the training.

The parents' meeting ended successfully in the joy of high quality parents.

Some photos at the meeting:

Thay mặt Lãnh đạo Khoa phát biểu

Faculty leaders speech


Phát biểu của phụ huynh sinh viên

Parent's speech

toàn cảnh phụ huynh

Parent attending