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Program outcome standard in 2018

1. Major in: SOCIOLOGY

2. Level: Undergraduate                 Mode of study: Full-time

3. Degree: Bachelor

4. Programme Objectives – POs:

PO1: Learners have strong political ideology, serving the national socio-economic development; Understand and apply basic knowledge of sociology in the position of work.

PO2: Learners have the ability to effectively organize research results into practice, creating a social change.

PO3: Learners can apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, contributing to changing social reality in a positive way.

PO4: Learners have a solid background in both theory and practice.

PO5: Learners master the method of social studies, critical thinking, independent creativity; have the ability to self-study and study at graduate level and graduate students in sociology.

PO6: Learners can use tools and techniques to collect data and process information for social development projects.

PO7: Learners have the ability to work independently and work in pressure environments; ability to adapt, integrate and meet the requirements of the labor market.

5. Expected learning Outcomes- ELOs


Group of ELOs


Description of Elos

General knowledge

Basic knowledge on politics, natural sciences and social sciences, knowledge on foreign language and informatics.

ELO1: Understand and apply the principles of Marxism-Leninism

ELO2: Have the ability to use English efficiently (equivalent to PET B1 Cambridge or IELTS 5.0), and ability use Microsoft Office proficiently (equivalent to MOS certificate with the score at least 750/1000).

Specialized knowledge

Fundamental knowledge on Tourism industry; specialized knowledge on Tourism Management.

ELO3: Have theoretical knowledge of sociology

ELO4: Knowledge of sociological research practice (quantitative and qualitative)

ELO5: Knowledge of statistical analysis in social science and social criticism

Practical skills: involving dexterity manual and use of methods, materials, tools and instruments

Professional skills

ELO6: Discover social problems need to be adjusted

ELO7: Organize a social survey (quantitative and qualitative)

ELO8: Propose solutions to create social change.

Cognitive skills: involving use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking

Cognitive skills

ELO9: Have critical, independent thinking;

ELO10: Have the ability to self-study and a sense of lifelong learning

ELO11: Have good social communication, ability to work independently as well as team work